Cee Dub begins by explaining that we are going to process using the water bath method of canning. We do not need to pressure can because of the high acidity of the vinegar brine. Anyone who is canning needs to go to the Ball Blue Book of Canning and Preserving for directions for proper canning methods. It describes how to prepare your products and has the full directions for great and safe products. ALWAYS follow directions. He discusses places to get other canning resources. He then begins to ladle hot brine into the jars. We’ll want to get out as many air bubbles as possible and fill the jars leaving about one half inch head space. Our mothers both did all their canning in the summer, in hot kitchens with no air conditioning. We do our processing outside on a camp stove to keep the heat out of the house. After filling the jars, he demonstrates taking a table knife and sliding it down the sides of the jars to remove additional air bubbles. When the jars are ready, he wipes the rims to make sure there are no particles on the rim that would prevent a seal. Then he places the lids on, and puts on the rings. He uses a canning tool that has a magnet on one end to remove the hot lids and rings from the hot water. He uses a damp towel to insulate your hands from the heat and make the hot jars easier to handle. Then he twists the rings on snugly. When all the lids and rings are on, the jars are ready for the water bath. After the jars have processed, we will remove them from the canner and set them out on a towel to begin cooling. In a short while, the lids will begin to “pop” on their own. Cee Dub demonstrates the sounds of the lids. If it makes a popping sound and moves up and down when pressed, the lid has not sealed. The product can be eaten fresh and will be good in the refrigerator for about a week. If the lids are sealed, they are good for over a long time. We’ll then label them and put them in our pantry. But remember, these pickles need to sit on the shelf for about five to six weeks before they are ready to eat. Like many other things, they get better with age! He ends with a little review and discusses his own garden, the benefits of pickling, and doing things yourself. It is a matter of pride!