February 18, 2015
A month ago Penny and I launched Powerless Cooking (R) and what a month it’s been. Our first surprise occurred when folks started purchasing memberships within the first hour of the website going live. Each new membership signals to us we are doing the right thing at the right time. Our second and continuing surprise has been the feedback we’ve received from those who’ve signed up and taken advantage of the knowledge in the first four Learning Modules. At our NW Sportsmen’s shows we presented Powerless Cooking(R) to hundreds of folks and again we were surprised by the extremely positive response. But moving forward…
…here in SW Idaho looking out our second story office window today I see greening grass, emerging tulips, and buds swelling on my neighbor’s weeping willow tree. In other words “springtime in the Rockies” is just around the corner. But…while we enjoy the unseasonably warm weather our friends in the Northeast have more snow in their yards than most Western ski resorts and much of the south is suffering from record cold temperatures and remain encased in ice. So…where and how does “powerless cooking” enter into the equation of cooking for one’s family while dealing with Old Man Winter’s temper tantrums?
Seeing the facebook posts the last few days showing bare shelves in stores and reading between the lines of some of these same FB posts indicates to me many folks are basically not prepared. Waiting until the storm is about to hit before preparing and purchasing emergency supplies of food and necessities is like parking on the railroad tracks then calling to update your insurance when the crossing arms begin dropping. It’s just a little late!
Our stated goals of Powerless Cooking(R) include giving folks knowledge, skills, techniques, and the attitude to better take care of themselves and their families on a day to day basis; and even save a little money along the way. To that end whether learning about Dutch oven cooking, baking breads, grinding meat, dehydrating vegetables, growing herbs in a pot on the porch, or any of our current and upcoming Learning Modules, one’s attitude is as important as any knowledge we present in our Powerless Cooking (R) Learning Modules.
Have fun and take advantage of our Free Three Day Trial. Check out all the benefits of being a member of Powerless Cooking(R).